Dong Liang


Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Chemistry
University of Wisconsin-Madison


Biographical Sketch

02/2012-present  Research Associate,  University of Wisconsin-Madison

01/2012               Ph.D. in Physics, Case Western Reserve University

07/2007               M.E. in Optoelectronics, Tianjin University

07/2005               B.E. in Electronics Science and Technology, Tianjin University



My research expertise lies in not only nanomaterial synthesis, but also the transport studies of their electrical and magnetic properties for applications in the cutting-edge technologies.

Currently, I am working on an exciting field called magnetic skyrmions for magnetic memory applications. I studied for the first time the phase stability and current-driven motion of skyrmions revealed by the topological Hall effect in MnSi nanowires, which demonstrates the feasibility and advantages of exploiting skyrmion-hosting nanowires for next-generation memory devices.

I worked on the application of pyrite nanostructures for solar energy conversion. I developed a general method for characterizing both surface and bulk electrical properties of nanostructures using gated Hall measurement and revealed the strong p-type surface inversion of n-type iron pyrite (FeS2) nanoplates. Such a strong inversion layer induced by high-density surface states is one of the key factors limiting the solar performance.

During my Ph.D. research, I successfully synthesized InAs nanowires and Bi2Se3 nanoribbons via chemical vapor deposition technique. I discovered linear magnetoresistance in topological insulator Bi2Se3 nanoribbons, which open up the possibility to applying such nanostructures for magnetic sensors and triggered many follow-up researches.  Moreover, I achieved strong tuning of spin-orbit coupling strength within 1 V of electrolyte gate voltage in InAs nanowires, which is a significant progress towards realizing spin field-effect transistor. 


Selected Publication

1.      Dong Liang*, John P. DeGrave*, Matthew J. Stolt, Yoshinori Tokura, Song Jin, “Current-Driven Dynamics of Skyrmions Stablized in MnSi Nanowires” In revision at Nature Nanotech (2014) 

2.      Dong Liang, Juan Du, Xuan P. A. Gao, “InAs Nanowire Devices with Strong Gate Tunability: Fundamental Electron Transport Properties and Application Prospects” Submitted to J. Mater. Sci. Tech (2014) (Invited Review)

3.      Dong Liang, Miguel Cabán-Acevedo, Nicholas S. Kaiser, Song Jin, “Gated Hall Effect of Nanoplate Devices Revealed Surface-State-Induced Surface Inversion in Iron Pyrite Semiconductor” Nano Lett. (2014) DOI: 10.1021/nl501942w

4.      John P. DeGrave, Dong Liang, Song Jin, “A General Method to Measure Hall Effect in Nanowires: Examples of FeS2 and MnSi” Nano Lett., 13, 2704–2709 (2013)

5.      Miguel Cabán-Acevedo, Dong Liang, Kit S. Chew, John P. DeGrave, Nicholas S. Kaiser, and Song Jin, “Synthesis, Characterization, and Variable Range Hopping Transport of Pyrite (FeS2) Nanorods, Nanobelts and Nanoplates” ACS Nano,7, 1731–1739 (2013)

6.      Dong Liang, Xuan P.A.Gao, “Strong Tuning of Rashba Spin-Orbit Interaction in Single InAs Nanowires” Nano Lett. 12, 3263–3267 (2012)

7.      Dong Liang*, Pin Ann Lin*, Xuan P.A. Gao, R. Mohan Sankaran, “Shape-controlled Au Particles for InAs Nanowire Growth” Nano Lett. 12, 315-320 (2012) *

8.      Hao Tang*, Dong Liang*, Richard L. Qiu, Xuan P.A.Gao, “Two-Dimensional Transport Induced Linear Magneto-Resistance in Topological Insulator Bi2Se3 Nanoribbons” ACS Nano, 5, 7510-7516 (2011).

9.      Dong Liang, Juan Du, and Xuan P.A. Gao, “Anisotropic Magneto-conductance of InAs Nanowire: Angle Dependent Suppression of One Dimensional Weak Localization” Phys. Rev. B, 81, 153304 (2010)

10.  Dong Liang, Mohammed R. Sakr and Xuan P.A. Gao, “One-Dimensional Weak Localization of Electrons in a Single InAs Nanowire ”, Nano Lett. 9,1709 (2009)

*Equally contributed