Audrey Forticaux

Graduate Student, Materials Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Curriculum Vitae

Biographical Sketch
B.S. CPE Lyon, France, 2009
Internship at International Paint - Akzonobel, Newcastle, UK 2009-2010
M.S. in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, CPE Lyon, France, 2007-2012
PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2010-present
Internship at 3M Saint Paul, MN, Summer 2014


The pursuit of complex nanoscale architectures resides in our inspiration from nature, i.e. biomineralization processes, where the diversity and complexity of crystals produced is far from being rivaled by synthetic nanomaterials. Understanding the role of organic molecules in the fundamental crystal nucleation and growth processes that yield such biominerals can also enable precise and efficient crystal morphology engineering of functional nanomaterials. We previously reported the screw dislocation-driven (SDD) growth of one-dimensional (1D) nanomaterials, such as nanowires and nanotubes, and two-dimensional (2D) nanoplates of various compositions in aqueous solutions. We are now studying the influence of organic molecules, such as amino acids, and furthermore nanoscale metal-oxo clusters, on SDD growth to control morphologies. We try to understand the mechanisms underlying these changes using in situ fluid atomic force microscopy and fluid optical microscopy. These SDD building blocks could be useful for many applications, such as solar energy conversion and electronics. For example, 2D nanoplates of CuGaO2 are great platform for the epitaxial growth of ZnO 1D nanowires to achieve 3D mesoscale heterostructures, in this case a p-n junction diode (see publication 4). 


Prizes and Awards

April 2014 1st place at the Science as Art competition at the 2014 MRS Spring meeting with her Lady NanoBug related to her work on mesoscale architectures published in ACS Nano (see publication 4). Her Poster "Screw Dislocation-Driven Growth of Nanomaterials Tailored by Molecules and Heterostructures" was nominated for Best Poster Award over all symposia and received the Gold Poster Presentation Award within her Symposium RR "Solution Synthesis of Functional Inorganic Materials". A recording of her poster presentation is now available at MRS On Demand. "The Lady NanoBug" was featured in the Materials Research Society Newsletter, Materials 360, for May 2014, volume 14, issue 8. It was also highlighted in the Women in NanoScience blog and NanoWerk.


2013-2014 Why Files Cool Science Images competition winner 2 consecutive years



6) Mark A. Lukowski, Andrew S. Daniel, Caroline R. English, Fei Meng, Audrey Forticaux, Robert Hamers, and Song Jin; Highly Active Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis from Metallic WS2 Nanosheets, Energy Environ. Sci., 2014, Accepted Manuscript DOI: 10.1039/C4EE01329H.

5) Fei Meng, Marc Estruga, Audrey Forticaux, Stephen A. Morin, Qiang Wu, Zheng Hu, and Song Jin; Formation of Stacking Faults and the Screw Dislocation-Driven Growth: A Case Study of Aluminum Nitride Nanowires ACS Nano, 2013, 7 (12), pp 11369–11378.

4) Audrey Forticaux, Salih Hacialioglu, John P. DeGrave, Rafal Dziedzic, and Song Jin; Three-Dimensional Mesoscale Heterostructures of ZnO Nanowire Arrays Epitaxially Grown on CuGaO2 Nanoplates as Individual Diodes ACS Nano, 2013, 7 (9), pp 8224–8232.

3) Mark A. Lukowski, Andrew S. Daniel, Fei Meng, Audrey Forticaux, Linsen Li, and Song Jin; Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis from Chemically Exfoliated Metallic MoS2 Nanosheets J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135 (28), pp 10274–10277.

2) Fei Meng, Stephen A. Morin, Audrey Forticaux, and Song Jin; Screw Dislocation Driven Growth of Nanomaterials Acc. Chem. Res. 2013, 46 (7), pp 1616–1626.

1) Stephen A. Morin, Audrey Forticaux, Matthew J. Bierman, and Song Jin Screw Dislocation-Driven Growth of Two-Dimensional Nanoplates Nano Letters 2011, 11, 4449-4455.